
Displaying 51 - 56 of 56

En 2021 había 786,000 pacientes1 con insuficiencia renal, pero menos de 25,0002 recibieron un trasplante ese año. En 2022, Estados Unidos finalmente llegó a 25,000 trasplantes de riñón3en un año, pero todavía hay unas doce personas que mueren cada día sin la oportunidad de recibir un trasplante que salva la vida.

Nadie debería morir mientras espera un riñón, pero no hay suficientes órganos para satisfacer las necesidades actuales...

Ann Pittaoulis, RD, LDN

Despite continuous efforts to educate on CKD, many patients starting dialysis in the United States still are not aware of, or understand, dialysis. Patients and families may not even understand the options of modalities. Crashing on dialysis is an overwhelming experience that doesn’t have to occur; however, unfortunately, it does. New patients to dialysis are likely to start dialysis with a central venous...


Stipend Summaries


Presentation Title: Patient Engagement and Kidney Care (Interprofessional)


  • Renee Bova-Collis, MSW, LCSW (Engaging Patients in Dialysis Care Plans)
  • Melissa Prest, DCN RDN (Health Info and Technology...

Submitted by Jennifer Jungemann, BSN CNNT Stipend Winner 2023

While attending the National Kidney Foundation Spring Clinical Meetings, I had the opportunity to attend many significant courses. One such educational opportunity was Volume Management in Patients on Hemodialysis: Are We Doing a Better Job? This session was led by Sagar Nigweker and Elaine Go. Volume management is a commonly revisited topic within our...