KIDNEY EQUITY FOR ALL™ Takes Center Stage as Organization Highlights Work to Combat Disparities


Are you impatient for spring? Here are five delightful recipes to keep you cozy and satisfied while you wait.

Young person holding the lid of a pot

By Valerie Rinck, Advocacy Manager

On February 27th over 160 Voices for Kidney Health advocates headed to Capitol Hill to close out the 11th Annual Kidney Patient Summit. Advocates took over 200 meetings, bringing the kidney voice to the decision-makers to advance our legislative priorities. The National Kidney Foundation wants you to join in the festivities by participating remotely! There are numerous impactful actions individuals can take from the comfort of their own homes to effect change for kidney patients and their families across the nation.

Group of advocates at kidney advocacy meeting

It's National Kidney Month! Celebrate by taking control of your kidney health with eight NKF programs designed to help you do just that.

Table of contents
Minute for Your Kidneys Quiz
NKF Peers
Kidney Learning Center
Voices for Kidney Health
NKF Communities
Ask the Doctor
NKF Kidney Research Connect
NKF Cares

Cuatro amigos sonrientes alrededor de un teléfono

Black/African American and Hispanic/Latino communities experience a disproportionately high burden of kidney failure but are less likely to receive kidney transplants compared to other populations.1

The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) envisions a future where these disparities are a thing of the past, a future where there is KIDNEY EQUITY FOR ALL.

Three people wearing NKF outfits

Fight Kidney Disease with a Gift of Real Estate


Dealing with a chronic illness like kidney disease or kidney failure can take a toll on a person’s mental health. Gary Petingola, a social worker certified to teach mindfulness-based stress reduction, is here to introduce you to a simple practice to help you relax. Learn what mindfulness is, its benefits, and how to practice it. 

Two people meditating

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, with one person losing their life to it every 33 seconds.1 It's also a risk factor for kidney disease, another leading cause of death in America.

The good news? There are plenty of ways to protect your kidney and heart health. In honor of American Heart Month, let's explore how the heart and kidneys work together and what you can do to keep them healthy.

Family laughing on the beach

Dip vegano de pimiento y queso

Es altamente probable que en una fiesta en Puerto Rico encuentres sandwichitos de mezcla en la mesa de los entremeses. El relleno para los sandwichitos tradicionalmente se prepara con jamonilla, queso amarillo líquido y pimientos morrones en pan blanco. Estos ingredientes son altos en sodio y pueden tener aditivos de fósforo. Para esta versión, se utilizó habichuelas blancas y levadura nutricional para sustituir la jamonilla y el queso amarillo. Es posible que, si lo traes a la próxima fiesta, el que lo coma no se den cuenta que es vegano y mucho más saludable.
1 cucharada

Adecuada para



  • 1 pimiento rojo
  • 1 taza habichuelas blancas cocidas, sin sal
  • 1 cucharada levadura nutricional
  • 3 cucharadas aceite de oliva
  • 2 cucharadas agua
  • cucharadita sal
  • - Pan blanco o integral bajo en sodio y sin aditivos de fósforo


  1. Precaliente el horno a 450 F.
  2. Corta el pimiento por la mitad. Remueve el tallo y las semillas. Coloca boca abajo en una bandeja para hornear. Cocina por 30 minutos.
  3. Deja enfriar el pimiento. Remueve la piel.
  4. En un procesador de alimentos, añade todos los ingredientes. Mezcla hasta tener una mezcla homogénea.
  5. Usa la mezcla como dip o para hacer sandwichitos de mezcla. Para los sandwichitos, añade 1 cucharada de la mezcla a dos rebanadas de pan y corta en 4 triángulos o 4 cuadrados.



Si usas habichuelas blancas enlatadas bajas en sodio, omite la sal de la receta.

- Puedes cambiar las habichuelas blancas por garbanzos, si prefieres. Los garbanzos son más bajos en potasio.

- Si quieres la mezcla menos espesa, añade un poco más de agua.

- Si quieres más sabor a queso, puedes añadir más levadura nutricional (añade 1 cucharadita a la vez). Experimenta con otros sabores como el ajo.



Typo de receta

Información nutricional

  • 57 calorías
  • 5 g carbohidratos
  • 1.4 g fibra
  • 0 g azúcar añadida
  • 2 g proteína
  • 3.5 g grasa total
  • 0 g grasa saturada
  • 29 mg sodio
  • 128 mg potasio
  • 14 mg calcio
  • 27 mg fósforo
  • Valor nutricional del sandwichito de mezcla varía según el pan que se seleccione.

Vegan Pimento Cheese Dip

It is very likely that at a party in Puerto Rico, you will find a sandwich filled with a pimento cheese mixture called “sandwichitos de mezcla” on the appetizer table. These sandwiches are traditionally prepared with processed canned pork and ham, liquid yellow cheese, and canned roasted bell peppers on white bread. These ingredients are high in sodium and may contain phosphorus additives. For this version, white beans and nutritional yeast were used to replace the processed meat and cheese. If you bring this to your next party, those who eat it may not realize it is vegan and much healthier.
1 tablespoon

Adecuada para



  • 1 red bell pepper
  • 1 cup cooked white beans, unsalted
  • 1 tablespoon of nutritional yeast
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of water
  • teaspoon of salt
  • - Low-sodium white or whole wheat bread without phosphate additives


  1. Preheat the oven to 450 F.
  2. Cut the pepper in half. Remove the stem and seeds. Place it upside down on a baking tray. Cook for 30 minutes.
  3. Let the pepper cool. Remove the skin.
  4. In a food processor, add all the ingredients. Blend until you have a homogeneous mixture.
  5. Use the mixture as a dip or to make “sandwichitos de mezcla”. For the sandwich, add 1 tablespoon of the mixture to two slices of bread and cut into 4 triangles or 4 squares.



- If using low-sodium canned white beans, omit salt from the recipe.

- You can substitute white beans with chickpeas if you prefer. Chickpeas are lower in potassium.

- If you want the mixture to be less thick, add a bit more water.

- For a cheesier flavor, you can add more nutritional yeast (add 1 teaspoon at a time). Experiment with other flavors like garlic.


Typo de receta

Información nutricional

  • 57 calories
  • 5g carbohydrates
  • 1.4g fiber
  • 0g added sugar
  • 2g protein
  • 3.5g total fat
  • 0g saturated fat
  • 29mg sodium
  • 128mg potassium
  • 14mg calcium
  • 27mg phosphorus
  • Nutritional value of the “sandwichito de mezcla” varies depending on the selected bread.