~Transformative Proposal Helps Thousands of Kidney Patients~

(May 8, 2024, New York, NY)The following is a statement from Kevin Longino, Chief Executive Officer of the National Kidney Foundation and a kidney transplant recipient, on the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) proposed Increasing Organ Transplant Access alternative payment model.


~ IGUALDAD PARA LA SALUD RENAL toma primer plano destacando el trabajo para combatir disparidades ~


Every day, 12 people die waiting for a kidney transplant. Living organ donation plays a vital role in addressing this crisis. However, many potential living donors face barriers that discourage them from pursuing this life-saving act.

To support and protect living donors, several critical bills have been introduced in Congress. Let's explore these important pieces of legislation.

Hospital visitor laughing with patient

(May 2, 2024, New York, NY)TIME has included the co-chairs of the


By the time Lindsay met her future husband Denis in college, he had been dealing with kidney issues for years. It was a normal part of life that both Denis and Lindsay acknowledged but didn't dwell on. 

Neither expected Denis' kidneys to fail in his early thirties. But when they did, Lindsay didn't hesitate. She gave him the gift of life–one of her kidneys. 

Another Part of Life

Lindsay and Denis at their 2004 College Formal Dance

Lindsay smiling with handmade gift from Denis after surgery

Whether you're seeking a quick meal or a savory snack, the National Kidney Foundation has you covered with five new chronic kidney disease (CKD) recipes you will want to try.

Jump to Recipe

Everyone has different nutritional needs. Speak with a kidney dietitian or a healthcare provider about which recipes are right for you.

Two older adults cooking together