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Why do I need an emergency meal plan? This meal plan is for you to use in case of an emergency or a natural disaster when you may not be able to got to dialysis. It is important to follow a limited diet if you miss a dialysis session. A grocery list and a three-day meal plan for an emergency are...

Now that you are beginning hemodialysis, there may be many changes in your daily life. Your doctor has probably told you that you may need to make some changes in your diet. The renal dietitian at your dialysis center will help you plan a diet for your special needs. Why do I need to be on a...

As a patient beginning peritoneal dialysis treatments, you are adjusting to many changes in your daily life. Your healthcare professional has probably told you that some changes in your diet will be necessary. Why will you have to follow a special diet? Because your kidneys are not able to get...

Why do I need an emergency meal plan? This meal plan is for you to use in case of an emergency or a natural disaster when you may not be able to attend dialysis. It is important to follow a limited diet if you have to miss dialysis. A grocery list and a three-day meal plan for an emergency are...