Learn about treatments for kidney failure and find support.
Our free Information helpline, NKF Cares, offers support for people affected by kidney disease, organ donation, and transplantation. Get the answers, resources and information you need.
You're not alone! Talk to someone who's been there. Speak with a trained peer mentor who can share their experiences about dialysis, transplant, or living kidney donation with you.
NKF communities offer a safe and supportive place where patients and caregivers can share experiences, ask questions and get answers related to kidney health, kidney disease, transplantation and living organ donation. Participation is free and anonymous.
Concerned about yourself, a friend or family member? Ask away. Dr. Leslie Spry is happy to provide answers to all your questions.

Give Today, Transform Tomorrow
Your special gift:
- Provides families with a place to turn for guidance and answers.
- Expands access to lifesaving kidney transplants for all.
- Supports breakthrough research and clinical trials.
- Helps more loved ones learn about their risk and get diagnosed sooner.
Learn about a kidney-friendly diet, so you can stay healthy with kidney disease whether you are at home or dining out.
Exercise is important for everyone, especially for people with kidney disease.
Kidney disease can affect your sexuality in many ways — from hormones, nerves, energy levels, even medicine.
Insurance doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Learn about insurance options and choosing a plan that is right for you.
As a dialysis patient or transplant recipient you may be wondering — are vaccines safe for me?
Do I need them?