How to test if PD is working

A test called the peritoneal equilibrium test or PET measures how well your peritoneum (the lining in your belly) removes waste and water. This 4-hour test checks drained fluid samples and blood to see how much glucose and creatinine (a waste removed by PD) are present. The PET will tell if your peritoneum has a high, average, or low transport rate. This may help you and your PD team decide which PD treatment (CAPD or APD/cycler) is right for you.
To find out if your PD exchanges are removing enough waste, you will have a blood test and collect used dialysis solution. If you still make urine, you may also need to collect urine. These tests are used to calculate Kt/V which is a measurement to see if your PD treatment is adequate to meet your health needs. The results will help your PD clinicians decide if you need to adjust your dialysis schedule or dose.