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People with simple kidney cysts have sacs that are filled with fluid within their kidneys. It is possible to have one or more cysts in one or both kidneys. The exact cause of simple kidney cysts is not known but they tend to be more common as people age. Simple kidney cysts rarely cause problems and are different from polycystic kidney disease, which tends to run in families and can be more serious....

Every drug you put into your body passes through your kidneys. If the drug is not taken following your healthcare provider's instructions, or if it is an illegal substance, it can cause injury to the kidneys.

Pain Medications

Your kidneys could be damaged if you take large amounts of over-the-counter medications, such as aspirin, naproxen and ibuprofen. None of these medicines should be taken daily or regularly without first talking...

Until recently, a transplant patient could only receive an organ from someone with a compatible blood type. An organ from someone with an incompatible blood type would be perceived as foreign and vulnerable to attack by the recipient's natural antibodies. Now, through a process called plasmapheresis, a recipient can receive a kidney from a donor of a different blood type. This procedure is currently being provided at a growing number of...

When a family member develops kidney failure, the whole family is affected, even if they don't all show it. Everyone has questions about how kidney failure will affect their own and the patient's life and future plans. If a parent develops kidney failure, children have questions too. Some children are outspoken and ask lots of questions, while others may be quieter and afraid of the answers. The goal of this brochure is to open lines of...

Will my sexual health improve after a kidney transplant?

Many people who experienced sexual problems while on dialysis will find improvement after a kidney transplant. Your new kidney will help you feel better and have more energy. This will help to make your sexual life more enjoyable. In fact, for most people, sexual functioning should return to normal.

Are there some things that won't improve?

It's possible that some things may not...

For many patients who are on dialysis or have had a kidney transplant, the ability to travel is important to their self-esteem and lifestyle. Working patients may need to attend business meetings or conferences. Older patients may have dreamed of traveling during their retirement. A family event such as a wedding, graduation or family reunion may require travel away from home. At times, emergencies such as illness or a death in the family may...

How serious a health problem is smoking?

According to the National Institutes of Health:

  • Smoking is the most important preventable cause of premature death in the U.S.
  • Smoking is responsible for one out of every five deaths in the U.S.
What health problems are related to smoking?

According to the World Health Organization, smokers have a higher risk for:

  • Lung cancer
  • Bladder cancer...
A Guide for Children with Kidney Disease, Kidney Failure, or a Kidney Transplant Click on the thumbnail to download a schedule of childhood vaccinations. Why does my child need a vaccination? Vaccinations are often called “shots” (given as an injection with a needle), but vaccinations can also be given by a liquid or spray in the mouth or nose....

Fertility (the ability to have a child) tends to increase in both men and woman after a transplant. Are you thinking about pregnancy? If so, you should discuss it beforehand with your transplant team and other healthcare providers. There are many things to consider. You and your healthcare provider should discuss them all very carefully.

Here are a few brief answers to some common questions about kidney disease and pregnancy.

Can a...