Membership Updates

March 17, 2022, 12:09pm EDT


CNSW Membership Updates
Jennifer Miller, LICSW
CNSW Membership Chair

Hello Everyone!

Happy New Years!

As we start a new year, many look to the New Year as a fresh start and a chance to try something new in the year ahead. This year NKF is trying something new and offering the Spring Clinical Meetings both in person and virtually. Take advantage of one of the wonderful CNSW benefits of getting a discount on the registration for the NKF Spring Clinical Meetings. This way you can be a part of this inaugural Spring Clinical Meetings in April of 2022, in Boston, either in person or virtually.

Please continue to encourage all of your colleagues to join CNSW and to take advantage of the many benefits of membership, such as:

Feel free to call me at (612) 863- 9107 or email me at Please let me know how I can better serve your needs and answer your questions about CNSW membership.

Read Local Chapter News here  


CRN Membership Updates
Carol Lim, RD, LD
CRN Membership Chair

CRN Region IV Representative

This year, we enter into the sixty-eighth year since the first living-related kidney transplant surgery was performed in 1954 by Dr. Joseph Murray and Dr. David HumeIn at Brigham Hospital in Boston. This same duo, in 1962, were able to successfully transplant from a deceased donor. These two accomplishments have led to great strides in the outlook of those affected by kidney disease. As we honor these milestones, we look forward to what is ahead and how we may prepare our loved ones and patients in preventing further progression of kidney failure and how to take steps for a successful transplant.

To further the discussion of screening for kidney disease and steps one may take to reduce their health risk, please see the following publications from the National Kidney Foundation (NKF).

Prescreen: 1 in 3 adults in America are at risk of life-threatening kidney disease, and unbelievably, most don’t know it. We want to change that. Take this one-minute quiz to find out if you are in the 33 percent; it could save your life.

Exercise: Selecting the right pair of shoes for your workout is key to a successful exercise plan. The shoes you wear may impact your risk of injury or amount of energy spent. Read more from a physical therapist on how one should examine "the last" part of their shoe first.

Post-Transplant Diet: There are many things to consider for a transplant recipient, and nutrition is a key component to a successful transplant life. There are foods to avoid due to one’s low immune system, diet considerations and the possibility of Metabolic Syndrome after transplantation.

Keep yourself up to date on the latest research in kidney disease! Here are two free CEU programs available from our PERC site: Diagnosis of Acute Rejection in Kidney Transplantation: A Clinical Update (1 CEU); Healthier Kidneys Through Your Kitchen (1 CEU).