Kidney Cars

No one ever forgets their first car. Most of us have a lot of sentiments attached to our cars like our first drive as a couple together, an epic family vacation, or a road trip with friends. While these special moments will never be forgotten, Kidney Cars is here to share facts about automobiles that you might not have known. 

We all want to pick a car that we like personally and fits our needs and pets. With that in mind, Kidney Cars is here with the top 10 best vehicles for dog owners.

Attention all adventurers! If you're the type that craves mountain escapes every free weekend, Kidney Cars has the scoop on how to keep your camping game strong. 

Washing your car by hand isn't just a task. It's a practical way to maintain the appearance of your vehicle and its condition. While it might seem like a straightforward process, there are crucial things to know to prevent accidental damage to your car's finish. Kidney Cars is here to help!

One of the main benefits of buying an electric or hybrid vehicle is saving money. Their remarkable fuel economy saves you from extra trips to the pump. Yet, sometimes these cars cost too much to make the potential savings worth it. Luckily, there are now many electric and hybrid cars available for under $25,000. 

Do you consider your car a high-speed gadget? Having a screen on the dashboard instead of the analog instruments, a screen on the center console and even a screen on the back of the headrests can make any vehicle seems like a large speeding gadget.


Would You Want to Switch to a Digital License Plate Kidney Cars.jpg

There are various creative ways to support causes you feel passionate about. Kidney Cars is here with fourteen imaginative ideas to inspire positive change. 

Assist a stranger

1. Engage in simple acts of kindness in your daily life. You can give up your seat, hold a door open, or buy coffee for someone behind you. Even a smile can brighten a stranger's day.

Your daily commute may seem routine, but recent studies conducted by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) reveal how dangerous it can be. In 2022, an estimated 42,795 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes.

Understanding the commuting risks

Studies by the NHTSA indicate that the majority of accidents occur during the evening rush hour between 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. Factors like heavy traffic, rush hour stress, and potentially fatigued drivers contribute to the heightened risks during these hours.