
Displaying 861 - 870 of 1056
By Daniel Appleby, NKF volunteer   September 20, 2016. I'm less than two weeks away from my scheduled transplant surgery.  Just yesterday I met with a dear friend Theresa who felt compelled to remind me that it still wasn't too late for me to change me mind about donating one of my kidneys to another friend in need. The tone of her reminder was surprisingly...
By Katy Wilkens, MS, RD   Water is life. Without it, nothing would live on the planet. How hard is it then when your dialysis health care team tells you to limit your intake of water, and all fluids?   When kidneys fail, one of the common side effects is a decrease in making urine. Eventually, many people on dialysis stop making urine altogether. Since most dialysis...

By Kevin Longino, CEO of National Kidney Foundation and kidney transplant patient

As the nation begins to see progress in our fight against COVID-19, some states will slowly begin opening but what does that mean for kidney patients? How can we ensure they are getting everything they need?

A slow opening

As states start to transition to slowly opening over the next few months, we may start to see a sense of normalcy. One of these...

In the early morning of November 7th, 2021, more than 30,000 excited racers gathered at Fort Wadsworth on Staten Island to participate in the 50th anniversary of the New York Marathon. Among the enthusiastic participants was Artiea Smith, preparing to run the 26-mile-long race in dedication to her mother and to raise awareness for the National Kidney Foundation.

Read on to learn why she runs for this cause.

Artiea's connection to...

Continuing education series for professionals.

Sexual dysfunction is prevalent in patients with kidney disease,1 but why and what treatments are available for this important but often neglected aspect of health? Read on to learn this and more.

What is sexual dysfunction? 

"Many people think sexuality only refers to sexual intercourse, but sexuality includes many things like touching, hugging, or kissing," said...

Reading your comprehensive metabolic panel (CMP) results doesn’t have to be intimidating. Use the following as a guide but remember that everyone is different, so always speak with your healthcare provider regarding your results. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, seek a second opinion, or ask for more testing—they are here to help. 

What is a CMP?

A CMP is a simple and safe blood test. The test provides...

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease (NIDDK), the VA currently cares for around 600,000 Veterans with kidney disease, 40,000 of which have kidney failure.1 Despite the high number of Veterans receiving treatment for kidney failure, only an estimated 160 kidney transplants are performed annually through the VA.2 This means most Veterans who experience kidney failure do not get the opportunity to...

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States, with one person losing their life to it every 33 seconds.1 It's also a risk factor for kidney disease, another leading cause of death in America.

The good news? There are plenty of ways to protect your kidney and heart health. In honor of American Heart Month, let's explore how the heart and kidneys work together and what you can do to keep them healthy....