
Displaying 11 - 20 of 117
Yes, you can eat a plant-based protein diet if you have chronic kidney disease (CKD). It might even help your condition, say the authors of a new study published in the Journal of Renal Nutrition.   “It’s been shown that patients with...
Diabetes and high blood pressure can cause damage to both the heart and kidneys. If you have heart disease, it is likely that you have kidney disease and vice-versa. Many people don’t experience severe symptoms until their kidney or heart disease is quite advanced, but there are some warning signs. Could...

The term "superfood" is often thrown around with promises of miraculous benefits. The reality is more grounded: maintaining kidney health involves a thoughtful approach to nutrition. While these foods aren't magical solutions, they are perfect to include in a well-balanced diet. 

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  1. Cherries
  2. Shellfish
  3. Açai berries...

This might be an awkward question, but have you had your pee tested lately? A urinalysis or urine test gives healthcare professionals a clearer picture of your kidney function and overall health. Here's how.

What is a urinalysis?

It's not particularly fun to pee into a cup at the doctor's office, but what healthcare providers can find in just two tablespoons of urine makes it all worth it–signs of serious...

Have you ever wondered why health professionals ask for a urine sample? The kidneys remove waste material, fluids, and other substances from the blood. The urine can contain many different clues to how your body is doing. Your urine tells a lot about your health. Testing the urine is known as “urinalysis” (analysis of the urine). The most common use of urinalysis is to detect substances or cells in the urine that point to...

Did you know that diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure? Diabetes is a leading risk factor for kidney disease and is characterized by high levels of blood sugar. It occurs when your body does not make enough insulin, a hormone that regulates the amount of sugar in your blood, or cannot use normal amounts of insulin properly. High blood sugar levels have a damaging ripple effect in many parts of your body, causing harm to the kidneys...

Here are five foods to help you celebrate the changing season. Just make sure you speak with a kidney dietitian before changing or adding anything new to your diet.

Jump to: Avocados Strawberries Broccoli  Apples Low-phosphorus cheese

1. Avocados


Our food culture has been so caught up in the “gluten-free” frenzy, that the term has almost entirely lost its original meaning. So what does going gluten-free mean and how can it impact you if you have kidney disease or kidney failure?

Traditionally, a gluten-free diet is a treatment for people who have been diagnosed with celiac disease.  Celiac disease is an inherited disease and is diagnosed by testing for certain genes that...

With every new year comes the opportunity for a fresh start. But with a whole year ahead and so many resolutions to choose from, it can be hard to pick and harder to follow through. Here are four ideas to help kidney patients start the new year on the right foot.

1. Going to appointments

Patients with kidney disease must keep their doctor’s appointments. Unfortunately, forgetting about your doctor’s appointment or lack of...

Mary Poppins once declared, “A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.” In some cases sugar is used to mask unpleasant tastes, and yet it can be found on the ingredient lists of sweet and sour foods alike. Take one quick look at the food labels on common grocery items and it becomes rather obvious that Americans consume large quantities of sugar.


What exactly is sugar?

There are a quite a few different types of...