Find patient videos related to kidney disease
CKD Risk Factors
- The Kidney Disease, Heart Disease, Diabetes Connection: Signs, Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Treatment (Animated Series)
- What is kidney disease? The kidney disease, heart disease, and diabetes connection
- What is heart disease? The kidney disease, heart disease, and diabetes connection
- What is diabetes? The kidney disease, heart disease, and diabetes connection
- How are kidney disease, heart disease, and diabetes related? The kidney disease, heart disease, and diabetes connection
- Prevention and Management: The kidney disease, heart disease, and diabetes connection
- NKF Live: What's the best diet for me? A conversation about nutrition and diabetes, kidney disease, and heart disease (2020)
- NKF Live: What do I need to know about medications? A conversation about medicines and diabetes, kidney disease, and heart disease (2020)
- NKF Live: Lowering your risk for heart disease (2019)
- NKF Live: Diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease: Managing a life-long challenge (2019)
- NKF Live: Diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease: How they impact families (2019)
- NKF Live: Diabetes, heart disease, and kidney disease: How they impact diverse communities (2019)
- NKF Live: Diabetes, CKD, and heart disease: Considerations for women's health (2018)
- NKF Live: Diabetes, heart disease & CKD (2018)
- NKF Live: Connecting diabetes, heart disease, and CKD (2018)
Diseases and Conditions
- NKF Live: Know Your Numbers - eGFR & IgA Nephropathy
- NKF Live: IgA Nephropathy Clinical Trial: VISIONARY Trial (sibeprenlimab)
- Lupus Nephritis (Animated Series)
- Lupus Nephritis (Animated Series - Spanish)
- NKF Live: Hepatis C and Kidney Disease
- NKF Live: Living with Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease (ADPKD)
- The Front Line Against Chronic Kidney Disease and Gout
- NKF Live: Living with ADPKD
- Living with Cystinosis
- Living with Refractory Gout
- NKF Live: Kidney Stones - Prevention and Treatment
- Itching (Pruritus) and Chronic Kidney Disease
- Living with Pruritus (Series)
- Living with Pruritus: What has your experience been with itchy skin (pruritus)
- Living with Pruritus: What time of day are most affected by itching
- What impact has itchy skin (pruritus) had on your life?
- What have you done to manage your itchy skin (pruritus)
- Did you speak to your healthcare team about your itching (pruritus) ?
- What advice do you have for people living with itchy skin (pruritus)?
- Why does itching occur?
- The importance of seeking help for Pruritus
- What can I do about the itching?
- What is Pruritus?
- What time of day does Pruritus usually occur?
- When should I seek a Dermatologist's help?
- What did I not know about itching that is associated with kidney disease?
- How does Pruritus affect my lifestyle?
- At what stage of CKD does pruritus typically occur?
- Kidney Cancer (Animated Series)
- NKF Live: Immunotherapy in treating kidney cancer
- NKF Live: You're told you have kidney cancer: Now what?
- NKF Live: Treatments for kidney cancer
- NKF Live: Keeping the best quality of life with kidney cancer
- NKF Live: Protect your kidneys throughout your kidney cancer journey
- NKF Live: Take Control of kidney cancer: What you need to know
- NKF Live: After cancer treatment: What you need to know
- NKF Live: Kidney cancer and your mental health
- NKF Live: Kidney cancer: Participating in a clinical trial
- NKF Live: Kidney cancer: Physical fitness during and after treatment
- NKF Live: Kidney cancer: Nutrition fitness during and after kidney cancer
Living with Kidney Disease and Kidney Failure
- Living Well with Kidney Failure (Series)
- Living Well with Kidney Failure: What is kidney failure?
- Living Well with Kidney Failure: How kidney failure affects your body
- Living Weill with Kidney Failure: Kidney transplantation
- Living Well with Kidney Failure: Peritoneal dialysis
- Living Well with Kidney Failure: Hemodialysis
- Living Well with Kidney Failure: Living Well
- What will happen when I go into kidney failure?
- Can I reverse kidney disease? Is there a cure?
- I have kidney failure. Where can I go for support?
- Where can I get financial assistance?
- What insurance do I need for dialysis?
- NKF Live: Life with Kidney Transplant: What to expect my first 100 days?
- NKF Live: Life with a kidney transplant: Living well long term
- NKF Live: Life with a kidney transplant: Evaluation and organ donor list
- What medications should I avoid if I have kidney disease?
Kidney Cancer Animated Series
Kidney Animated Series - English
- What is Kidney Cancer?
- How is Kidney Cancer Diagnosed?
- Kidney Surgeries and Procedures
- Immunotherapy and Kidney Cancer
- Targeted Therapy and Kidney Cancer
- Precision Medicine and Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer Animated Series - Hausa
- What is Kidney Cancer?
- How is Kidney Cancer Diagnosed?
- Kidney Surgeries and Procedures
- Immunotherapy and Kidney Cancer
- Targeted Therapy and Kidney Cancer
- Precision Medicine and Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer Animated Series - French
- What is Kidney Cancer?
- How is Kidney Cancer Diagnosed?
- Kidney Surgeries and Procedures
- Immunotherapy and Kidney Cancer
- Targeted Therapy and Kidney Cancer
- Precision Medicine and Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer Animated Series - Italian
- What is Kidney Cancer?
- How is Kidney Cancer Diagnosed?
- Kidney Surgeries and Procedures
- Immunotherapy and Kidney Cancer
- Targeted Therapy and Kidney Cancer
- Precision Medicine and Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer Animated Series - Japanese
- What is Kidney Cancer?
- How is Kidney Cancer Diagnosed?
- Kidney Surgeries and Procedures
- Immunotherapy and Kidney Cancer
- Targeted Therapy and Kidney Cancer
- Precision Medicine and Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer Animated Series - Korean
- What is Kidney Cancer?
- How is Kidney Cancer Diagnosed?
- Kidney Surgeries and Procedures
- Immunotherapy and Kidney Cancer
- Targeted Therapy and Kidney Cancer
- Precision Medicine and Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer Animated Series - Mandarin
- What is Kidney Cancer?
- How is Kidney Cancer Diagnosed?
- Kidney Surgeries and Procedures
- Immunotherapy and Kidney Cancer
- Targeted Therapy and Kidney Cancer
- Precision Medicine and Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer Animated Series - Polish
- What is Kidney Cancer?
- How is Kidney Cancer Diagnosed?
- Kidney Surgeries and Procedures
- Immunotherapy and Kidney Cancer
- Targeted Therapy and Kidney Cancer
- Precision Medicine and Kidney Cancer
Kidney Animated Series - Spanish
- What is Kidney Cancer?
- How is Kidney Cancer Diagnosed?
- Kidney Surgeries and Procedures
- Immunotherapy and Kidney Cancer
- Targeted Therapy and Kidney Cancer
- Precision Medicine and Kidney Cancer
Kidney Cancer Animated Series - Swedish
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© 2024 National Kidney Foundation, Inc. This material does not constitute medical advice. It is intended for informational purposes only. Please consult a physician for specific treatment recommendations.