
Displaying 61 - 70 of 146

High blood pressure is common in children with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Because of their young age when they develop CKD and high blood pressure, there is a high risk that these children may eventually have heart problems and a worsening of CKD. It is very important for children with CKD to be checked for high blood pressure. Early detection and treatment of high blood pressure helps to reduce the chance of these complications. This fact...

Kidneys perform crucial functions that affect all parts of the body and are involved in complex operations that keep the rest of the body in balance. When the kidneys are damaged by disease, other organs are affected. Kidney problems can range from a minor urinary tract infection to progressive kidney failure. Scientific advances over the past three decades have improved our ability to diagnose and treat those who suffer from kidney disorders...

At least 10 million Americans suffer from incontinence, which means that they are not able to control the times when they urinate. In some cases, the loss of urine is so small that people are hardly aware of it. In other cases, the amount of leakage is quite large. Only about 10 percent of people who suffer from incontinence seek treatment. Without treatment, many of these people stay at home and withdraw from life unnecessarily. Incontinence...

People with kidney disease or kidney failure are at risk for heart disease.  In fact, it is very common. These ten tips can help you lower your risk for getting heart disease —or help keep heart disease from getting worse. 

Tip 1:  Control Blood Sugar If You Have Diabetes 
  • Check your blood sugar level as often as your healthcare provider recommends
  • Follow your treatment plan of medications, diet,...