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In 2007, Ryan Shay, a professional athlete, collapsed during the US Olympic Marathon trials and later passed away from heart failure related to a preexisting condition. His passing sent shockwaves throughout long-distance running communities worldwide as many didn't think this could happen to such an active, fit person. 

One of those runners was Coby Jacobus who saw this tragedy as a wake-up call to stop ignoring symptoms he has...

Do you know your risk factors for chronic kidney disease (CKD)? Risk factors are things that make it more likely you will have kidney disease. Some of them can be treated so you can work with your doctor to reduce risks of kidney disease. It is helpful to think of risk in terms of things you can change, and things you can't change.

Do you know which of these diseases can lead to kidney problems?
  • Diabetes
  • Asthma
  • High...

Each year in the United States, about 51,000 adults will be diagnosed with kidney cancer. The exact cause of kidney cancer is unclear, but having advanced chronic kidney disease may place you at increased risk for developing kidney cancer. Other risk factors include: smoking, obesity, high blood pressure, family history of kidney cancer, chronic kidney disease, exposure to radiation therapy or carcinogenic chemicals, and long-term use of...