Each Congress, NKF engages with legislators on multiple issues important to the kidney community.
Recent Priority Legislation
In support of these goals, NKF asks Congress to pass the following legislation:
- The Living Donor Protection Act (LDPA) (H.R. 2923/S. 1384) This bill eliminates discrimination against living donors in the procurement of life, disability, and long-term care insurance and codifies existing Dept. of Labor protections for living donors under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Insurance companies cannot drop a living donor, change their premiums, or refuse coverage based on their status as a living kidney donor. Download our brief here.
- The Improving Access to Home Dialysis Act (IAHDA): This bill expands patient choice and removes barriers to accessing home dialysis to ensure that all patients are given the opportunity to succeed on the dialysis modality that best suits their needs and preferences, regardless of their zip code. Download our brief here.
- The Organ Transplantation Transparency, Accessibility, and Reform Act (OTTAR): The organ procurement and transplantation system needs additional oversight, transparency, and accountability to ensure it is functioning properly on behalf of patients awaiting lifesaving organs. This bill begins that process by prioritizing data collection and transparency, and focused supports for communities at high-risk of kidney failure but low access to transplantation. Download our brief here.
NKF is also supportive of the following bills:
- Securing the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Act (H.R.2544/ S. 1668) PASSED
- Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (H.R. 4818/S. 2407)
- Medical Nutrition Therapy Act
- Honoring Our Living Donors Act (H.R. 6020)
- Living Organ Donor Tax Credit Act (H.R. 6171)
- Saving Organs One Flight at a Time Act (H.R. 4362)
- Healthcare Workforce Resiliency Act (H.R. 6205/ S. 3211)
- Kidney Patient Access to Technologically Innovative and Essential Nephrology Treatments Act of 2023 (H.R. 5074)
Top Letters and Testimony to Congress
Top Letters and Testimony to Congress