Get Involved with NKF!
Professional Education

18th Annual Mid-Atlantic Kidney Boot Camp
Save the date for July 2-3, 2025 for our two-day, non-CME symposium is designed to provide new fellows at Mid-Atlantic training programs the background they need to start their fellowship and gain an immediate understanding of the disease states they are likely to encounter in nephrology.

Renal Roundtable Programs
A Renal Roundtable is a professional education program featuring a presentation by leader(s) in the medical field and an opportunity for questions and networking. Renal Roundtables are free, non-accredited programs intended for healthcare professionals, specifically physicians and advanced practitioners.

Join Our Medical Advisory Board
Local Medical Advisory Boards (MAB) are made up of physicians and other health professionals to guide the local NKF’s patient, professional, and public education programs. The MAB is an integral part of the NKF, serving to providing medical oversight, support, and volunteer services to the community.
Interested in getting involved? For more information contact:
Eastern Pennsylvania
New Jersey
Resources for Patients
Webinars for Patients
Living Well with Chronic Kidney Disease is a series of webinars designed to empower and educate patients of all levels of CKD, from early stages to those on dialysis or awaiting transplantation and their caregivers. If you missed a live webinar, view past recordings by clicking below.
Stay tuned for new content announcements!
Pennsylvania Transportation Program
Pennsylvania residents who meet eligibility requirements are reimbursed for a portion of the transportation costs associated with traveling to and from dialysis treatment three times a week. This program is run in collaboration with, and within the guidelines of, the Pennsylvania State Renal Disease Program.
Please contact your social worker at your dialysis clinic or click the button below for an application.
Have questions about kidney disease? We can help!
Our Patient Information Help Line, NKF Cares, offers support for people affected by kidney disease, organ donation or transplantation. It's designed just for patients, family members and care partners. Speak with a trained specialist who will answer your questions and listen to your concerns. This is available in English and Spanish Monday–Friday, 9am–7pm ET!
¿Tiene preguntas sobre la enfermedad renal? ¡Podemos ayudar!
Nuestra línea de ayuda de información NKF Cares, ofrece apoyo a las personas afectadas por enfermedades renales, donación o trasplante de órganos. Está diseñado solo para pacientes, familiares y sus cuidadores. Hable con un especialista que responderá sus preguntas y escuchará sus inquietudes. Esto está disponible en inglés y español de lunes a viernes de 9am a 7pm, hora del este.
If our scheduled fundraisers aren’t what you’re looking for, then create your own event to raise funds and hope with Team Kidney.
From celebrating transplant anniversaries, honoring a loved one, to bake sales and bowling tournaments, to pushing yourself with a 10K or E-Sports — the fundraising possibilities are endless.
For questions, contact our Development Manager, Wendy Benedict, at
In 2021 we passed the Living Donor Protection Act in the state of New Jersey and Pennsylvania. This bill will ensure that life, long-term care and disability insurers will not discriminate against living organ donors.
Thank you to all the volunteers, advocates, living donors and their families who made this happen!
Donate to Fight Against Kidney Disease
You can play a part in supporting kidney patients to lead happy and healthy lives.

Help support the National Kidney Foundation with your company. Your team can participate in many different ways, such as supporting a kidney walk, participating in professional programs, or organizing a workplace giving campaign. Click the link above for more information.

Your skills and interests can help build healthier communities, spread the word, and create real change.

Donate your old car, boat or tractor to help improve the lives of the millions of Americans affected by kidney disease. Call 800.488.2277 or click the link to start.
Local Office
1900 Market St.
Suite 800
Philadelphia, PA 19103
United States
Upcoming Events
- Mar 12, 2025 05:30 PM to Mar 12, 2025 09:30 PMContact: Kelly AntczakDown Town Club600 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19106