KEEP Healthy — Free Kidney Health Check
The National Kidney Foundation's community-based initiative to educate about the kidneys, risk factors for kidney disease, and steps to take to keep kidneys healthy and reduce risk.
Check-up includes: risk survey, body mass index (BMI), blood pressure check, free educational materials, and opportunity to speak with a health care professional.
Kidney Cars Vehicle Donation Program
Turn your vehicle into cash for the National Kidney Foundation Serving East Tennessee! Vehicles donated to National Kidney Foundation have the potential to bring hundreds and sometimes even thousands of dollars in support of advocating for all kidney patients through education, research, and innovation. Donating is simple, the pick-up is free, and your gift is tax-deductible. Donate your vehicle to the NKF Serving East Tennessee today! Donate online or call 800.488.CARS (2277).
Have questions about kidney disease? We can help!
Our Patient Information Help Line, NKF Cares, offers support for people affected by kidney disease, organ donation or transplantation. It's designed just for patients, family members and care partners. Speak with a trained specialist who will answer your questions and listen to your concerns. Call toll-free at 855.NKF.CARES (855.653.2273) or email We speak English and Spanish and are available Monday–Friday.
You're Not Alone! Talk to someone who's been there. Speak with a trained peer mentor who can share their experiences about dialysis, transplant or living kidney donation with you.
Become an Organ Donor
Sign up to be an organ donor at or
Local Office
5923 Kingston Pike
Knoxville, TN 37919
United States
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